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Grace to graze

At one time or another, we have seen animals grazing. Sometimes, they graze on thorny grass, or amidst dangerous snakes and insects. At other times, they pick up stones and dangerous objects while gra

Ephesians 2:8

Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
Aim: To demonstrate the value of "Grace" to man.

At one time or another, we have seen animals grazing. Sometimes, they graze on thorny grass, or amidst dangerous snakes and insects. At other times, they pick up stones and dangerous objects while grazing, but their maker gives and provides them the surety(grace) to keep on grazing.

We are like cows grazing. So many uncertainties here and there and unexpected happenings. There are a great many people in our world who feel like they deserve every good thing they get in life. These particular group of persons see the poor, under-privilege as unfortunate people. We shouldn't be deceived about our good gifts. Hard work pays, but we are who we are not because of hard work. Carefulness is great, but we are who we are not because of carefulness. It is not even because our family is pure or well known. The truth is that we all deserve HELL because we have sinned and fallen short of God's glory, but since God is full of grace, He gave us His Son and blesses us with all good things. The grace of God extends to man in diverse ways. What do you and I pay for the sun that shinés daily? How much are we charged for the air we breath? Where do we pay bills for the rain? Is it our hard work that causes our crops to grow? Is it because we are the most intelligent that gave us our jobs? Are we the most educated in our communities? They are many of our friends who suffered from the same diseases like us, but they could not survive. Check other countries and communities, in the night people run away from their houses and sleep in the bushes or gutters and only return to the homes the next day because. "Grace" is an "unmerited favour' or 'God's favour toward the unworthy' or 'God's benevolence on the undeserving'. In Romans 7:24, Brother Paul cries "O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? He answers in verse 25, "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Before the coming of Christ into the life of Brother Paul, he says in 1 Timothy 1:13 that he was:
A BLASPHEMER: He showed lack of respect and reverence for God. He went from city to city and even forced other people to speak against God. (Acts 26:11)
PERSECUTOR: Saul searched for, persecuted Christians and brought them to be martyred. When the young man Stephen was stoned, he was in custody of the clothes of those who were stoning Stephen. In other words, he approved their actions. He was a murderer.
INSOLENT: Apostle Paul describes himself as an insolent opponent of the way of God. Paul actually insulted God and hurt the followers of God. He had no respect for God nor His followers, but he felt proud defending the Jewish sect.

Before the grace of God we were like Brother Paul, we struggled.

In 1 Timothy 1:14-15, Brother Paul appreciates God for the overflow of grace in life. He says; He received mercy in-spite the things he did. God counted him worthy, he who was unworthy, He who was the chief sinner, yet God made him faithful by grace. He who did these things ignorantly in unbelief had now become by grace a great and useful tool in the service of the Master.

In 1 Corinthians 15:9, For I am the least of the apostles, unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the Church of God. In verse 10, But by the GRACE of God I am what I am, and his GRACE toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the GRACE of God that is with me.(emphasis-mine) God's grace is there for us to successfully graze through the grasses. We may pick up dangerous objects, but Our Father gives us his grace. By his grace we have become who we are and thus we need to keep our thoughts and actions clear for God. He supplies His grace when we are abandoned by family and friends Marvelous grace reaches us when the hospital says, There is no hope. Infinite grace is there when prices of goods becomes too high for us to afford. Our God supplies abundant grace when we come under pressure to commit all sorts of evils. What amazing grace He supplies when principalities and powers challenge us. Unquantifiable grace He provides to lead us through the dangerous paths" Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,...."Matchless grace he prepares even to lead us from the present suffering of this nation and to give us better days. Everlasting grace is there to ensure we arrive on the other side of the river when this earthly sojourn is over. I ask you today if you have not been baptized to receive the grace of God in baptism so that you will benefit from His ever forgiving grace. For us who are Christians, I plead that you don't let the grace of God be in vain in your life. You are who you are because of His grace, think about that.


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