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The beginning of another road

Some years ago we went out for evangelism and had to go across a river, sticks using bush ropes suspended what was a hanging bridge and that is how people crossed it, but how do I go across.

As we embark on this new year, and the reality of life moving on, a fair question for us to ask is, "how can we move on?" The answer may be found in Isaiah words to the people of Israel to "Arise, shine; for your light has come..."   They no longer had to live in darkness - nor do we. Rise and shine, get up, begin again - there is more to come! There are new roads to travel upon in this new year. But there are also powerful forces working against this directive. Apathy, lack of confidence, our physical or mental state, extreme caution or timidity all these tend to hold us back. Worse than any of these is fear - disabling, crippling, immobilizing - fear.

Some years ago we went out for evangelism and had to go across a river, sticks using bush ropes suspended what was a hanging bridge and that is how people crossed it, but how do I go across. I put my hands down and was creeping, and I head noise behind me, guess what a man on bike came and passed and I was still there creeping - Fear. Don't creep upon the promises of God as though they were too fragile to hold you up. Stand upon them, confident that God is as good as God's word, and that our living, loving Lord will deliver them as promised. Maybe you've heard the expression: "even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!" It's true! So, in this new year, let's get up and get going. Let us rise and shine, knowing that it is God's light that empowers the light within us.

The new year is here for us. Our God has given us another chance to re-plan, re-program and re-arrange our lives or follow-up on the defective areas of last year. While 2023 is gone and can NEVER come again, we have 2024 to reorganize and re-strategize for better and effective achievement. In order to be able to achieve all of these, we need to focus on our lane. Athletes must stay on their lane in order to continue in the race and probably win. On our major roads too, there are lanes and drivers need to stay on their lane so as to avoid accidents. These are some of the things we need to do so that we walk this new road with success.

Don't measure yourself with the other person: Each of us has a God-assigned lane to run in. My lane isn't your lane. Your lane isn't my lane. So regardless of how well you run or don't run, my lane has nothing to do with your lane, but my lane has everything to do with me and what God has set out for me to become and accomplish. Therefore, I don't measure myself by you or your life or your performance, but only by the standards and goals that God has in mind for me.

How many likes you have on Facebook, how many people follow you on Twitter, what kind of fashion you are wearing, what kind of house you live in, what office you hold, what standard of living you achieve, how handsome or cute you are, or how smart your phone is or whatever - NONE of that has anything to do with me and my lane. Live within your means, manage your finances, don't compare to the other person. Peter was not John and Paul could never be Judas. Arise and shine.

Don't be threatened by the others: I don't have to be threatened by your success or minimized by your achievement. I can rejoice with you, be happy for you and still run in my lane the race that God has marked out for me. Also, if I see you struggling, I can lend a hand to help you get back up and get into your own lane without thinking that if I do, you will somehow threaten my success!

Focus on your purpose: Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly: I do not fight like a man beating the air." - 1 Corinthians 9:26. Don't be random about this journey. We need to walk with purpose. We need to make a commitment to the entire year. We need to work and not give up. We need to make the determination that we won't let disappointment or hurt or frustration cause us to "take our tools and go home". We need to push past barriers and jump over obstacles as we lean on the Lord and stay focused on the finish line. Listen, it isn't how we start. It is how we finish. Do you want to finish well? Arise and shine, because the Lord shall arise over you.

You need to avoid joy killers: There are people who are just there to ridicule and make a mockery of your efforts, avoid them and go forward. Some will boo at you and others will cheer, keep going and looking unto God. They will bring darkness, but God will arise over you.

Be vigilant: Athletes have to be vigilant because other athletes could cross into their lane and distract them. In 2024, be vigilant there will be as always have been detractors.

Run with perseverance: Look at 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

Each of us has a new road ahead of us in the new year. It's another road, a different road than any we've traveled on before. As we step off down that road, not knowing what we may find, not knowing exactly where we're going, we can be comforted in knowing that for sure, the light goes with us. leading us, guiding us, showing us the way. God will be with us on our journeys down that new road ahead. Even now God is calling to each of us, whoever we are, whatever our circumstance, calling us to get up off our hands and knees, to stop creeping, and rise and shine, and continue on the journey, giving God our praise, and sharing the Good News with others along the way. Let us sing together:

1. Another year is dawning:
Dear Father: let it be,
In working or in praying.
Another year with thee

Another year of progress
Another year of praise,
Another year of proving
Thy presence all the days

2. Another year of mercies,
Of faithfulness and grace;
Another year of gladness
In shining of Thy face;

Another year of leaning
Upon thy loving breast;
Another year of of trusting.
Of quiet, happy rest;

3. Another year of service,
Of witness for Thy love:
Another year of training
For holier work above,

Another year is dawning:
Dear Father: let it be,
On earth or else in heaven,
Another year for Thee

God bless you!

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